August 2, 2024

What is a conversion funnel? Full guide with examples

Learn how to build and optimize your conversion funnel to turn visitors into loyal customers. This guide covers every stage of the funnel, plus useful tips.
Ryan Lucht
Before joining Eppo, Ryan spent 6 years in the experimentation space consulting for companies like Clorox, Braintree, Yami, and DoorDash.

Paying customers don’t just pop up out of nowhere. The process of going from first contact to revenue can be long and complex, requiring proper care and nurturing at every stage. 

This primer will discuss conversion funnels and how to guide your customers through them. We’ll examine the why, how, and when of this process to help you optimize your marketing and sales efforts.  

We’ll cover:

  • A definition of conversion funnels
  • The different stages of a conversion funnel based on the AIDA model
  • An in-depth look at how a conversion funnel works
  • Benefits of grasping how your conversion funnel works
  • Examples of conversion funnels in three different scenarios
  • Tips and best practices for optimizing your conversion funnel
  • Common challenges you might face and how to overcome them

Let’s begin. 

What is a conversion funnel?

A conversion funnel is a roadmap of your customer's journey. Think of it as the path a potential buyer takes from the moment they first hear about your awesome product or service to the moment they hit that "buy" button.

But it's more than just a map. It's a story. A story about how people discover your brand, get interested in what you offer, and eventually decide to become loyal customers.

A customer conversion funnel helps you examine each step of their journey, so you can figure out what's working and where there's room for improvement. It's a way to study how people interact with your business, and how you can guide them towards a conversion. 

Stages of a conversion funnel

We’ve explained what a conversion funnel is and how it’s a way of road-mapping your customer’s journey. Now, let's break down each stage of this journey, using the classic AIDA model as our guide:

1. Awareness

This is the moment potential customers first lay eyes on your brand. Maybe they stumble upon your social media posts, find your blog through a Google search, or see your ad while scrolling through their favorite website.

Channels to spark awareness

  • Social media: Craft engaging posts, run eye-catching ads, and interact with your audience.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO): Make sure your website is easily discoverable by those seeking solutions you offer.
  • Advertising: Run targeted ads on platforms like Google, Facebook, or Instagram.
  • Content marketing: Publish helpful blog posts, articles, or videos that answer your audience's questions.
  • Public relations (PR): Get featured in relevant publications or news outlets.

2. Interest

Let’s assume the best-case scenario has played out, and you’ve got their attention. Now, it's time to pique their interest and keep them hooked. Share valuable content that speaks to their needs and showcases your expertise.

Techniques to engage users

  • Email marketing: Send personalized newsletters with exclusive offers or product updates.
  • Webinars: Host informative sessions to educate your audience and demonstrate your value.
  • Lead magnets: Offer free ebooks, templates, or resources in exchange for their contact information.
  • Interactive content: Create quizzes, polls, or surveys to keep them engaged and learn more about their preferences.

3. Desire

Your prospect is interested, but now you need to create that desire that eventually leads them to take action. Highlight the unique benefits of your product or service and show them how it can scratch their itch. 

Strategies to build desire

  • Showcase benefits: Clearly communicate how your product or service improves their life or solves a problem.
  • Customer testimonials: Share real stories of satisfied customers and the positive impact you've had on them.
  • Case studies: Demonstrate the results you've achieved for others with detailed success stories.
  • Product demos: Let them experience your product or service firsthand with a free trial or demo.
  • Comparison charts: Highlight how you stack up against the competition.

4. Action

This is the moment of truth — the final hurdle in the race. Make it as easy as possible for them to take that desired action, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for your newsletter, or requesting a demo.

Methods to facilitate conversions

  • Clear calls to action: Use compelling buttons or links with clear instructions.
  • Simplified checkout process: Minimize steps and eliminate distractions.
  • Multiple payment options: Offer a variety of ways to pay, including credit cards, PayPal, etc.
  • Limited-time offers: Create a sense of urgency with special discounts or promotions.
  • Customer support: Provide readily available assistance to answer questions or address concerns.

How a conversion funnel works

Now that you know the what of conversion funnels, let's dive into the how. Think of your funnel as a series of interconnected steps, each one leading your customer closer to that final conversion.

To do that, you need to understand how customers behave at each stage of the conversion funnel. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  1. Entry point: Users enter your funnel through various channels — a social media ad, a blog post, or even a direct search.
  2. Progression: They interact with your content, explore your website, and learn more about your offerings.
  3. Decision points: At each stage, they face a decision: do they move forward, or do they drop off?
  4. Conversion: If you've done everything right, they reach the bottom and take the desired action — making a purchase, signing up, etc.
  5. Beyond (re-engagement): The journey doesn't end there! You can continue to engage and nurture them, turning them into repeat customers and brand advocates.

The importance of tracking

Imagine driving a car with your eyes closed. That's what it's like running a business without tracking your funnel. You need to know:

  • Where are people entering?
  • How long are they spending at each stage?
  • Where are they dropping off?
  • What actions are they taking?

This data is truly invaluable. It reveals hidden opportunities for improvement. It’s the difference between guessing and knowing what works.

Tools of the trade

Luckily, there are many tools to help you track and analyze funnel performance:

  • Google Analytics: A powerhouse for website data, showing you traffic sources, page views, bounce rates, and more.
  • Heatmaps: Visual representations of where users click and scroll, revealing what grabs their attention.
  • Session recording tools: Watch recordings of user sessions to see exactly how they interact with your site.
  • CRM software: Track customer interactions, manage leads, and measure the success of your campaigns.
  • Survey tools: Get direct feedback from your audience to understand their motivations and pain points.

By using these tools, you can gather valuable insights into your customers' behavior and identify areas where your funnel needs a little TLC.

What are the benefits of understanding your conversion funnel?

You might be wondering: Why bother with all this funnel analysis? There’s no better way to answer this question than by looking at the benefits of 

Here's how it can transform your approach and improve your bottom line:

  • Find hidden bottlenecks: Imagine your funnel as a pipe with a few kinks in it. Those kinks are the bottlenecks, where potential customers get stuck and drop off. By understanding your funnel, you can pinpoint these problem areas and smooth them out.
  • Create an experience, not just a journey: When you know how people move through your funnel, you can tailor the experience to their needs and preferences at each stage. This leads to happier customers, who are more likely to stick around.
  • Data-driven decisions, not guesswork: Forget relying on gut feelings. With funnel data in hand, you can make informed choices about where to focus your marketing efforts and resources.
  • Better use of resources = better ROI: By targeting your efforts more effectively, you'll see a better return on your investment. No more throwing money at campaigns that don't deliver. Instead, you can invest in strategies that are proven to drive results.

Examples of conversion funnels in different scenarios 

Ready to see conversion funnels in action? Let's dive into a few real-world examples and the metrics that matter at each stage:

1. E-commerce website

Imagine you're an online retailer selling trendy apparel. Your conversion funnel might look something like this:

  • Awareness: A potential customer discovers your brand through a Facebook ad featuring a stylish summer dress.

Key metric: Ad click-through rate

  • Interest: They click on the ad and land on the product page, intrigued by the dress's design and price.

Key metric: Product page views, time spent on page

  • Desire: They browse through other items, read reviews, and imagine themselves wearing the dress.

Key metric: Add-to-cart rate

  • Action: They finally click "Add to Cart" and proceed to checkout, completing the purchase.

Key metric: Checkout completion rate, average order value

2. Mobile app

Let's say you've developed a fitness app with personalized workout plans. Here's how your funnel might unfold:

  • Awareness: A fitness enthusiast sees your app featured on a popular health blog.

Key metric: App store impressions, app page views

  • Interest: They download the app and create an account, curious about the features.

Key metric: Download rate, sign-up rate

  • Desire: They explore the app, find workout plans that align with their goals, and start a free trial.

Key metric: User retention rate, trial conversion rate

  • Action: Impressed with the app, they decide to upgrade to a premium subscription.

Key metric: In-app purchase rate, subscription renewal rate

3. Content marketing

Imagine you're a software company offering a project management tool. Your funnel might look like this:

  • Awareness: A project manager stumbles upon your blog post titled "10 Tips for Efficient Project Management."

Key metric: Blog traffic, social media shares

  • Interest: They find the post helpful and explore other articles on your blog.

Key metric: Page views per session, bounce rate

  • Desire: They download a white paper on project management best practices, which requires them to provide their email address.

Key metric: Lead form submissions, email open rate

  • Action: After receiving a series of targeted emails, they sign up for a free demo of your software.

Key metric: Demo requests, demo conversion rate

How to optimize your conversion funnel

You've got your funnel mapped out, but now it's time to give it that extra oomph. Let's explore some proven tactics to fine-tune your funnel and turn those prospects into paying customers:

Tips for improving each stage of the funnel

Think of your funnel like a well-oiled machine — each part needs to work seamlessly to get the best results. Here's how to give each stage a little extra care:


  • Laser-focused advertising: Target your ads to reach the right people at the right time. Use demographics, interests, and behaviors to narrow down your audience.
  • SEO power: Make sure your website is easily found by search engines. Use relevant keywords in your content and meta descriptions to climb the ranks.
  • Captivating content: Create blog posts, videos, or social media posts that grab attention and provide value.


  • Valuable content continues to be king: The same recommendation applies to the awareness stage. Keep offering informative blog posts, ebooks, or webinars that address your audience's pain points and provide solutions.
  • Personalized communication: Tailor your emails and messages to speak directly to their needs and interests.
  • Interactive experiences: Quizzes, polls, or calculators can keep them engaged and coming back for more.


  • Showcase your strengths: Clearly communicate the unique benefits of your product or service. What makes you stand out from the crowd?
  • Social proof: Share customer testimonials, case studies, or reviews to build trust and credibility.
  • FOMO (fear of missing out): Offer limited-time discounts or promotions to create a sense of urgency.


  • Clear the path: Remove any obstacles or distractions in the conversion process. Make it as easy as pie to buy or sign up.
  • Crystal-clear calls to action: Use persuasive language and eye-catching buttons to guide them toward the desired action.
  • Multiple payment options: This tip carries over from a previous section in this very same blog post. Give users the option to pay in different ways, including credit cards or PayPal.

Consider A/B testing

Not sure which headline is more compelling? Or which call-to-action button gets more clicks? Using A/B testing might work wonders for you. This relatively simple yet powerful technique lets you test different elements of your funnel to see which one performs better.

Here's the gist of how it works:

  1. Create two versions of a webpage, ad, or email with one key difference.
  2. Split your audience into two groups and show each group a different version.
  3. Track the results to see which version performs better.
  4. Implement the winning version and continue testing.

The importance of analyzing data and making iterative improvements

Your conversion funnel is a living, breathing entity that needs constant care and attention.

By regularly analyzing your data and making small, iterative improvements, you can keep your funnel in tip-top shape. 

Tools like Eppo can make this process a breeze.

Eppo is an experimentation and feature management platform that empowers you to easily track key metrics, run experiments, and analyze results. Eppo simplifies the process of gathering insights and using them to fine-tune your funnel.

Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

While conversion funnels are powerful tools, they're not foolproof. Here are some common mistakes that can sabotage your efforts, and how to steer clear of them:

Ignoring the upper stages of the funnel

It's easy to get laser-focused on that final conversion, but neglecting the top of the funnel is a big mistake. After all, you need to attract people before you can convert them.

Solution: Invest in brand awareness and lead generation strategies. Craft compelling content, run targeted ads, and be active on social media to get your brand on people's radar. A strong foundation at the top leads to a steady flow of potential customers throughout the funnel.

Focusing too much on conversion rate

A high conversion rate is fantastic, but not if it comes at the expense of user experience. If your funnel is so optimized for conversion that it feels pushy or impersonal, you might lose customers in the long run.

Solution: Strive for a balance. Make sure your funnel is easy to navigate and provides value at every stage. Focus on building relationships and trust, not just pushing for the sale. Remember, a happy customer is a loyal customer.

The mistake of one-size-fits-all funnels

Your customers are unique individuals with different needs and preferences. Using a generic funnel for everyone is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Solution: Segment your audience and tailor your funnel to each group. For example, first-time visitors might need more educational content, while repeat customers might appreciate exclusive offers. By speaking their language, you'll increase their chances of converting.

Data neglect

Ignoring your funnel data is like flying blind. Without knowing what's working and what's not, you're just guessing at what changes to make.

Solution: Regularly track and analyze your funnel metrics. Use tools like Google Analytics, heatmaps, or Eppo to gain valuable insights into user behavior. Use this data to make informed decisions about where to focus your improvement efforts.

Next steps

By now, you should have a solid understanding of what a conversion funnel is and why it's an essential tool for business growth. But understanding is just the first step — the real impact starts being felt when you put that knowledge into action.

So, how do you transform your conversion funnel into a high-performing growth engine? 

That's where Eppo comes in.

Eppo is a powerful experimentation and feature management platform that helps you optimize your conversion funnel and drive meaningful results. By leveraging Eppo's suite of tools, you can experiment with new strategies and continuously improve the customer journey.

Here's a glimpse of how Eppo can aid in your conversion funnel optimization strategy:

  • Simplified workflow: Eppo unifies A/B testing setup, data collection, and analysis within a single, intuitive platform. This means less time spent juggling tools and more time focusing on what matters — improving your funnel.
  • Rapid results: Eppo's experiment acceleration tools, like CUPED++, help you gather conclusive data faster. This means you can make informed decisions about your funnel changes sooner, leading to quicker improvements.
  • Data integrity: Eppo integrates natively with your data warehouse, ensuring the trustworthiness of your results by drawing directly from your internal source of truth. This eliminates concerns about unreliable data when optimizing your conversion funnel.
  • Insightful analysis: Dive deep into experiment results and understand how different user segments respond to your funnel changes. Uncover hidden bottlenecks, identify high-performing variations, and personalize the customer journey for maximum impact. 
  • Culture of experimentation: Eppo's accessible platform encourages collaboration and data-driven decision-making across your team. Empower marketers, product managers, and engineers to work together to continuously improve your conversion funnel.

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Learn how to build and optimize your conversion funnel to turn visitors into loyal customers. This guide covers every stage of the funnel, plus useful tips.

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