Eppo News
September 10, 2024

Measure Your Marketing Spend with Eppo Geolift

Use gold standard incrementality testing to evaluate the true contribution of marketing to your company's bottom line
Greg Dale
Before Eppo, Greg was the CEO of Tech for Campaigns where he led large consumer advertising campaigns and experimentation programs

How do I know where to put my marketing dollars when my data warehouse, advertising partners, and web analytics don’t agree? Privacy changes and black box ad platforms make it harder than ever to find trustworthy marketing signals at the same time that the bar on marketing ROI rises even higher.

As Che wrote in our Series B announcement, it’s never been a greater risk to not know which company initiatives are growth levers versus “low-ROI money pits.” Within marketing, “incrementality testing” is the gold standard to evaluate the true contribution of marketing to a company’s bottom line. A key incrementality strategy is geo-testing or “matched market” tests, where a certain set of regions receives different marketing programs than another, and the differences are evaluated. These tests provide real insights but require specialized statistical knowledge, dedicated operational expertise, and can be tricky to align with a company’s business metrics.

Enter Eppo Geolift: empowering marketers and data teams with the tools they need to make rigorous marketing investment decisions with ease and confidence. Eppo Geolift’s quasi-experimental methodology measures significant changes in your business metrics across geographies using cutting-edge Synthetic Control Methods. Critically, Eppo Geolift uses the same integrations and metric definitions used for lifecycle marketing, product, and AI experiments within Eppo, providing a common language across teams with one place to see all growth initiatives.

Simple Setup

Without help, launching a geolift program can be complex. Marketers first need to run calculations for which geos to select, for how long to run the test, and at what spend levels the experiment should run. Then, when it comes time to launch, many marketers feel like they’re stepping into a void where six or seven figures can be at stake and hoping to avoid landmines in the process (like turning off Branded Search in your target geos but finding out after that PMax ended up buying all the same keywords!)

To solve this, Eppo guides users through the process of designing a test, launching it, and delivering easy-to-read results. Additionally, Eppo's Protocols offer presets that incorporate statistical best practices and organizational guidelines. Protocols let data scientists empower technical marketers and data analysts to confidently run tests without full-time assistance, enabling teams to move quickly and scale testing.

Always-On Testing for Digital Platforms

Once a program gets off the ground, geolift vets know success lies in maximizing the number of learning opportunities throughout the year. More tests mean understanding Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) at different spend levels, performance across creative types, and time varying factors like seasonality and adstock/decay effects. Eppo Geolift offers automated testing, monitoring, and analysis for major digital platforms including Meta, Google, TikTok, and Pinterest. Our advanced causal inference methodologies minimize holdouts, allowing you to run experiments with minimal disruption to your ongoing campaigns.

Powerful Custom Experiments

Brand buys, inventive programs – Eppo Geolift also offers custom experiments for use cases like measuring offline media or non-geographic initiatives (like search engine optimization). Eppo provides data scientists input into the assumptions used in our power calculator, explicit control over the creation of the synthetic control, and complete flexibility to use one-off metrics as needed.

The Power of Real Business Metrics

Many incrementality options depend either on black-box vendor methodologies or sending your data to an outside third party via API, Google Sheets, or S3 buckets. The external data transfers often mean that the results don’t perfectly align with the business metrics that finance is using.

Eppo Geolift integrates directly with Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift, and Databricks. You're working with the same trusted metrics your CFO uses—no more discrepancies between lift reports and financial realities. Got a question about a metric? Double-click into the SQL query that drives it.

The Broader Eppo Platform

Geolift is built upon the same platform that our lifecycle marketing and product experiments are built on: easy-to-use design tools, experiment calendaring and sequencing, centralized and vetted metrics definitions, easy report building, and a knowledge base to make sure what’s learned is retained.

Let’s get started

Eppo Geolift empowers marketers and data teams to continually optimize their marketing investments for their true business contributions – working off the same metrics as the entire business.

Interested in Geolift? Eppo customers can start designing experiments with us immediately. If you’re not already integrated, we’d love to chat!

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