May 22, 2024

What is an Agile Release Train? Explained (with examples)

Learn about Agile release trains — their structure, benefits, and challenges. Discover how Agile release trains streamline complex software development and enhance team collaboration.
Aaron Silverman
Before Eppo, Aaron worked on experimentation at Storyblocks and Applied Predictive Technologies, a firm running A/B tests in retail stores

Implementing Agile methodologies is pretty much the standard in most SaaS development teams. But what happens when your devs need to work on complex projects that are way too big for just a single Agile team?

That’s when it’s a smart move to implement an Agile release train (ART)

In this primer, we’ll explain what Agile release trains are. We’ll also look at why they are extremely effective at getting big projects done quicker while keeping bugs and errors to a minimum. 

We’ll cover:

  • A definition of Agile release trains

  • A quick look at the main components of an ART

  • Some example scenarios of ARTs in action

  • A step-by-step breakdown of the ART process

  • Key benefits of implementing an ART

  • Challenges of implementing an ART and some tips to overcome them

Let’s get started. 

What is an Agile release train (ART)?

An Agile release train is a large, long-term team made up of smaller Agile teams. Think of it as a powerful engine pulling multiple train cars — each car represents an Agile team with specific skills, and the engine (ART) keeps them all moving towards the same destination.

The ART isn't just about the teams, though. It's about bringing together all the right people — developers, testers, product owners, and key stakeholders — to deliver value consistently, like clockwork.

The purpose of an ART is to tackle big, complex projects that a single team couldn't handle alone. Instead of working in isolation, Agile teams within the ART collaborate closely. 

This means they plan together, build features in sync, and release new software on a predictable schedule known as a program increment (PI). The ART structure ensures that everyone's efforts are focused and aligned, creating a smooth flow of value for the customer.

What are the main components of an Agile release train?

Now you know that an Agile release train has a purposefully designed structure to make sure it can tackle large, complex projects. Let's dive into three of the most crucial elements driving the ART's success:

The teams behind the delivery

An ART is like a well-oiled machine built from smaller, specialized parts working in harmony. At its core, you'll find multiple Agile teams (usually between 5 and 12). 

Each team brings a particular skill set to the table, like development, testing, or perhaps even business expertise. These teams are self-organizing and highly collaborative, working together to deliver the promised value to the customer.

The key roles guiding the train

Several key roles keep the ART on track and focused. Here are a few of the most important ones:

  • Release train engineer (RTE): Think of the RTE as the "Chief Scrum Master" for the entire ART. They're focused on clearing obstacles for the teams, organizing planning sessions, and making sure everyone has what they need to succeed.

  • Product manager: The product manager steers the vision of what the ART builds. They work closely with customers and stakeholders to understand needs and translate those into a clear roadmap for the teams to follow.

  • System architect: This role provides the big-picture view of the system being built. They make sure all the technical pieces will fit together seamlessly, preventing problems down the road.

Program increments (PIs)

Agile release trains have a predictable rhythm called Program Increments (PIs). Picture a PI as a set timeframe (usually around 10 weeks) where the ART focuses on planning, building, and demonstrating a valuable chunk of new software. 

Essentially, program increments give Agile release trains an easy-to-follow structure, making sure everyone is aligned and making progress toward a common goal.

Example scenarios of Agile release trains in action

Scenario 1: A software development company

Imagine a rapidly growing software company aiming to release a major update to its flagship product. This update involves new features, user interface changes, and significant back-end improvements. 

Without ART, this might have been tackled in a disjointed way, with different departments working in silos and potential delays at every turn.

Enter the Agile release train. The company forms an ART with over 100 members across 10 smaller Agile teams. These include developers, testers, user experience experts, and even representatives from customer support. 

Then, the release train engineer orchestrates massive planning sessions, ensuring every team understands the common goal and how their work fits into the bigger picture.

Finally, the ART operates on PIs, each lasting 10 weeks. Within these PIs, the team works in shorter sprints, continuously building and integrating their changes. Frequent system demos keep everyone updated, allowing for adjustments early on. 

The end result? A smooth, on-time release of the major update, with delighted customers and a proud development team.

Scenario 2: A financial services firm

Consider a large, traditional bank facing pressure to adapt to changing customer expectations and stricter regulations. They embark on an Agile transformation to become more responsive and deliver better digital experiences.

This bank forms an ART focused specifically on transforming its core customer services. Teams from IT, compliance, and even frontline customer support come together under the ART structure. 

Then, the product manager works diligently to understand both customer needs and the regulatory environment, translating these requirements for the teams.

Through regular planning sessions and a focus on continuous delivery, the ART begins releasing improved features at increased speeds. 

The result? Customers notice quicker onboarding, easier self-service options, and a more intuitive mobile banking app. Internally, the bank achieves greater adaptability, making it easier to adjust to new regulatory changes without huge overhauls.

A step-by-step breakdown of the Agile release train process

An Agile release train operates on a rhythm set by program increments. Here's a close look at the main events that drive an ART forward within each PI:

Step 1: PI planning

Think of PI planning as a grand strategy session. The Agile release train engineer orchestrates this two-day event, bringing together representatives from all the Agile teams within the ART, along with key stakeholders. 

During these sessions, everyone shares their goals and potential roadblocks, the big vision for the PI is outlined, and teams work together to map out a plan. This way the entire team has clear objectives and a shared understanding of what needs to be tackled during the upcoming PI.

Step 2: Development iterations

With a clear roadmap from PI planning, individual Agile teams dive into their work. They operate in shorter cycles called iterations or sprints (usually about two weeks long). 

Each iteration focuses on delivering a chunk of new, working software. Continuous integration happens frequently, bringing all the teams' work together regularly to catch potential issues early.

Step 3: System demos

At the end of each PI, all hands are on deck for the system demo. This is a major event where teams present the working features and functionalities they've built during the PI. Stakeholders can see progress first-hand, provide feedback, and give guidance for the next PI.

Step 4: Inspect and adapt (I&A)

The final step in a PI is about continuous improvement. The inspect and adapt session acts as a focused retrospective. Teams and stakeholders openly discuss successes, challenges, and identify areas where processes or collaboration could be better. This learning becomes the foundation for planning an even smoother next PI.

Remember: The continuous nature of ARTs means that as soon as one PI ends, planning for the next one begins. This keeps the focus on delivering value and adapting to change!

Why implement Agile release trains?

Adopting an Agile release train model brings significant advantages to organizations tackling complex projects. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Alignment and coordination: An ART ensures all teams within the train are aligned towards a common goal. This focus is achieved through shared vision, regular planning sessions, and a clear understanding of how individual team contributions fit into the overall solution.

  • Predictability: ARTs operate on a predictable schedule defined by PIs. This provides stakeholders with a clear timeline for demos and releases, simplifying long-term planning and making it easier to coordinate efforts around the value the ART delivers.

  • Quality improvement: Frequent demos, continuous integration, and built-in feedback loops, such as the inspect & adapt sessions, improve product quality. 

Potential problems are caught early, and teams receive valuable input to inform ongoing development, leading to a higher-quality solution.

Main challenges of ARTs and tips for overcoming them

While ARTs bring significant benefits, they aren't without their challenges. Here are some common ones and strategies to address them:

Challenge 1: Coordinating large numbers of team members

Imagine dozens of people, spread across multiple Agile teams, all working on a single initiative. Keeping everyone aligned and informed can feel like herding cats! Without clear communication strategies, misunderstandings and inefficiencies can creep in. 

Additionally, team members might lose sight of the bigger picture, focusing solely on their own tasks instead of how their work contributes to the overall goal.

Tips to overcome this challenge

  • Encourage transparency and regular check-ins between teams, facilitated by the Release Train Engineer (RTE). This could involve daily stand-up meetings or dedicated collaboration sessions.

  • Use visual tools and boards (like Miro) to keep everyone informed. These shared tools can highlight inter-team dependencies, track progress across the ART, and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Challenge 2: Managing dependencies without slowing down the workflow

When multiple teams are working on different parts of a large project, dependencies are inevitable. Team A might need a specific feature from Team B to complete their work, and so on. If these dependencies aren't carefully managed, delays and disruptions can quickly derail the entire ART.

Tips to overcome this challenge

  • Proactive identification of dependencies is key. During PI planning sessions, dedicate time to map out all potential dependencies across teams.

  • Once dependencies are identified, develop strategies to manage them. This could involve buffer time built into schedules, clear communication channels to address issues early, or even temporary integration of team members to work on critical dependencies together.

Challenge 3: Making sure you can adapt quickly

One of the core strengths of Agile methodologies is their adaptability. However, with the structure and coordination required within an ART, there's a risk of becoming overly rigid.

If teams feel stifled by how the process is moving forward or lose sight of the core Agile principles, the ART can lose its responsiveness and ability to adapt to change.

Tips to overcome this challenge

  • While the ART provides a framework, don't micromanage teams. Encourage them to find what works best within their Agile processes (e.g., scrum or kanban). This ownership fosters creativity and a sense of accountability.

  • Don't view the inspect & adapt session as just a formality. Make it a safe space for open discussion and continuous improvement. Teams should feel comfortable identifying process bottlenecks, suggesting experiments, and adapting the ART's.

Next steps

Now that you understand the core concepts of Agile release trains and their potential benefits, let's explore how a powerful tool like Eppo can elevate your approach and accelerate the success of your ART initiatives.

Eppo is a feature management and experimentation platform that can help you unlock the full potential of your ARTs, providing trustworthy data that allows you to manage releases with confidence and reduce risks.

Eppo empowers data-driven teams to embrace the continuous delivery and improvement cycles vital to ARTs. Its feature flagging capabilities, coupled with warehouse-native architecture, ensure quick deployment of changes, reliable data insights, and a focus on continuous improvement.

Here's how Eppo aligns with your Agile release train goals:

  • More effective release management: Eppo's streamlined workflows enable fast and safe rollout of features within and across your ARTs.

Its feature flagging capabilities allow you to release features to different subsets of customers for testing and gradual rollout, reducing the risk of major disruptions.

  • Risk mitigation and continuous improvement: Eppo facilitates experimentation within your ARTs. You can test new features with specific teams, gather real-world feedback, and make informed decisions This flexibility supports ARTs' focus on continuous iteration and improvement.

  • Reliable and actionable data: Eppo sits on top of your existing data warehouse. This ensures consistency across the ART, provides a single source of truth, and enables insights that fuel confident decision-making about value delivery across teams.

  • Foster a collaborative, data-driven culture: Eppo's user-friendly interface and clear visualization of data make it accessible to all teams within the ART. This shared understanding promotes collaboration, transparency, and a focus on delivering value with every release cycle.

Book a Demo and Explore Eppo.

Learn about Agile release trains — their structure, benefits, and challenges. Discover how Agile release trains streamline complex software development and enhance team collaboration.

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