August 1, 2024

What is a technical product manager (and what do they do)?

Learn what a technical product manager does and why they are essential for product success in this comprehensive guide.
Ryan Lucht
Before joining Eppo, Ryan spent 6 years in the experimentation space consulting for companies like Clorox, Braintree, Yami, and DoorDash.

Wondering what the role of a technical product manager is? It would be easy to say they’re the same as a product manager but with the added benefit of having the technical know-how. However, there’s more to the role of technical product manager than what meets the eye.

This primer will clue you in and explain what a technical product manager is and why it’s so important for your organization’s sustained growth. 

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • A definition of a technical product manager
  • A rundown of the key responsibilities of a technical product manager 
  • Skills any technical product manager must have
  • Challenges that most technical product managers are likely to face
  • Best practices technical product managers should follow

Understanding the role of a technical product manager

A technical product manager (TPM) is a unique blend of product strategist and tech-savvy professional. 

They're essentially product managers with a strong technical background, often having experience in engineering, computer science, or a related field. This dual expertise allows them to bridge the gap between technical possibilities and business objectives.

A technical product manager's core purpose is to ensure that a product's technical aspects align with the overarching business goals and, most importantly, the users' needs. 

They deeply understand the technologies behind the product, allowing them to make informed decisions about its development, features, and functionality.

What are the key responsibilities of a technical product manager?

Technical product managers wear many hats, juggling a wide range of responsibilities that require both strategic thinking and technical acumen. Here's a glimpse into their multifaceted role:

  • Product strategy: The technical product manager is the visionary architect of the product. They define the product's vision, chart its roadmap, and ensure that every technical initiative aligns with the broader business goals. 
  • Technical expertise: Technical product managers understand the technical details, constraints, and trade-offs of product development. This allows them to collaborate with engineering teams to make sure the product is built on a solid foundation.
  • Stakeholder management: Technical product managers interact with a variety of stakeholders, from engineers and designers to marketers and salespeople, guaranteeing that everyone's needs are considered and aligned, and everybody’s on the same page.
  • Requirement gathering: Technical product managers are the voice of the customer and the business. They gather requirements from various sources, prioritize them based on their impact and feasibility, and translate them into technical specifications that guide the development process. 
  • Project management: Technical product managers oversee timelines, milestones, and resource allocation so that projects are delivered on time and within budget. They monitor progress, identify risks, and make necessary tweaks to keep things on track.
  • Quality assurance: Technical product managers are the guardians of product quality. They work closely with QA teams to see that the product meets the highest standards. They coordinate testing and debugging and address any issues so the final product is polished and user-friendly.
  • Data analysis: Technical product managers analyze product performance metrics, user behavior data, and other relevant data points to gain insights into how the product is being used and how it can be improved. They use data to inform product decisions, prioritize features, and measure the impact of their work.
  • User experience (UX): Technical product managers work closely with UX/UI designers to confirm that the product is intuitive for clients. They prioritize user-centric design and advocate for features that improve the overall user experience.

What skills should a technical product manager have?

A technical product manager's skill set is a blend of technical know-how, business savvy, and interpersonal finesse. Let's dive into the specific skills that make them so valuable:

Technical expertise 

To truly stand out, a technical product manager needs more than just a passing familiarity with technology. They should have a solid grasp of software development and engineering principles, including an understanding of coding languages, APIs, and system architecture. 

This knowledge is not necessarily about writing code themselves, but about being able to engage in meaningful conversations with engineers, understand technical trade-offs, and make informed decisions about the product's technical direction.

Deep analytical skills

In product management, data is king. Technical product managers must have a keen eye for analyzing data, extracting meaningful insights, and using those insights to make informed product decisions. 

This involves being able to find trends, interpret patterns, and understand the impact of different features and experiments. It's about using data to guide the product's evolution and make certain it's meeting the needs of both users and the business.

Good communication skills

Technical product managers are the bridge between the technical and non-technical worlds. 

They must be able to communicate effectively with both groups, translating complex technical concepts into plain language for stakeholders and business needs into technical requirements for engineers. 

Above all, they need to be persuasive, articulate, and able to build consensus among diverse groups of people.

Project management skills

Technical product managers are, at their core, project managers. They're responsible for overseeing the product development lifecycle, from conception to launch. This involves managing timelines, resources, and risks. 

They need to be organized, detail-oriented, and able to juggle multiple projects simultaneously. It's about ensuring that the product is delivered on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.

Overall business acumen

While technical skills are essential, technical product managers also need to be business-minded. They should have a solid understanding of the company's overall business strategy, target market, and competitive landscape. 

This allows them to align technical solutions with broader business goals, guaranteeing that the product not only meets user needs but also contributes to the company's success.

Challenges technical product managers often face

While the role of a technical product manager is exciting and impactful, it's not without its hurdles. Here are some common challenges they encounter and how they typically navigate them:

The balancing act of technical feasibility vs. business priorities

Technical product managers often find themselves at the crossroads of what's technically possible and what's best for the business. They need to strike a delicate balance between pushing the boundaries of innovation while staying grounded in the realities of timelines, budgets, and market demands.

To overcome this challenge, technical product managers rely on their strong analytical and communication skills. They conduct thorough research, gather data, and present well-reasoned arguments to justify their decisions.

By fostering open communication and building trust with technical and business stakeholders, they can find solutions that satisfy both technical feasibility and business objectives.

Managing stakeholder expectations

With so many stakeholders involved in the product development process, it's no surprise that managing expectations can be a major challenge for technical product managers. Engineers, designers, marketers, and executives all have different perspectives and priorities.

To address this, technical product managers need to be skilled communicators. They must proactively share information, provide regular updates, and ensure that everyone understands the product's goals, roadmap, and progress. 

Staying ahead of the curve when it comes to tech 

The tech world is always shifting and turning, and technical product managers need to stay on top of the latest trends and innovations. This can be a daunting task, as new technologies emerge rapidly and existing ones become obsolete.

To tackle this, technical product managers should embrace a mindset of continuous learning. They may attend conferences, read industry publications, participate in online forums, and network with other professionals to stay informed. 

They also encourage their team members to upskill and experiment with new technologies, ensuring that the product remains competitive and relevant in the ever-changing tech landscape.

Best practices for technical product managers

Technical product management is a dynamic field that demands a blend of strategic vision and tactical execution. Here are some best practices any top-performing technical product manager should follow:

  • Keep the conversation flowing: A good technical product manager will maintain an open dialogue with engineering, design, marketing, and all other relevant teams. Regular updates, clear expectations, and active listening go a long way in making sure everyone is on the same page and working towards shared goals.
  • Never stop learning: The best technical product managers make continuous learning a priority. They stay abreast of the latest trends, tools, and methodologies. This not only enhances their technical knowledge but also enables them to make informed decisions and guide your team towards more innovative solutions.
  • Put users first: They always prioritize user-centric design, gather feedback regularly, and advocate for features that enrich the overall user experience. By keeping the user at the heart of their decision-making, they’ll help you build products that users truly love.
  • Embrace Agile: Agile methodologies can be a technical product manager's best friend. Their iterative and collaborative nature allows for flexibility, adaptability, and faster time-to-market. 

Next steps

Technical product managers understand the critical role of experimentation in product development. Rigorous testing is essential for ensuring that new features resonate with users and drive the desired business outcomes. 

However, managing experiments with the necessary statistical rigor can be a complex and time-consuming process. 

This is where Eppo comes in.

Eppo, an experimentation and feature management platform, allows technical product managers to confidently navigate the complexities of experimentation. Its capabilities go beyond basic feature flagging, offering a robust solution for statistically sound testing and validation.

Here's how Eppo elevates the experimentation process for technical product managers:

  • Accelerated experimentation: Eppo's workflows enable swift configuration and analysis of experiments, allowing technical product managers to iterate more quickly and gather feedback faster.
  • Risk mitigation with feature flagging: By targeting specific user segments and testing in production environments, Eppo empowers technical product managers to safely roll out features, reducing the risk of harming the user experience.
  • Trustworthy data: Eppo natively integrates with your existing data warehouse, guaranteeing that experiment results are accurate, consistent, and aligned with your organization's single source of truth.
  • Measuring real Impact: Eppo connects roadmap decisions to tangible business metrics, such as revenue and retention, allowing technical product managers to demonstrate the ROI of their experiments.
  • Fostering a data-driven culture: Eppo's intuitive interface and emphasis on statistical rigor encourage a data-driven approach throughout the product development process, promoting collaboration and informed decision-making.

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Learn what a technical product manager does and why they are essential for product success in this comprehensive guide.

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