Experimentation culture is entrepreneurial culture

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As a company grows, entrepreneurial culture becomes inextricably linked to experimentation. With experimentation, people’s daily work becomes inexorably linked to metrics, tightly coupling product iterations and business ROI.

Why Eppo Exists

Every company has untapped entrepreneurial potential

At Eppo, we are creating a next gen platform that fulfills the aspirations of experimentation tools teams, and brings those capabilities to companies of every stage and industry. Today, companies can't use any of the options on the market, and they can't run experiments until they devote multiple engineers and analysts to a function that is unrelated to their core product. We want to build a world where every team can have entrepreneurial, high experiment velocity culture.

90% of experimentation workflows are manual

Today's commercial experimentation offerings are feature flagging tools masquerading as experiment platforms. This leads to unexpected agony for companies who pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for an 'experimentation platform,' only to discover that they additionally have to roll their own data infrastructure and hire legions of analysts to do all of the operational work.

Companies are left to reinvent the wheel

With no viable commercial options, companies rebuild the same experimentation tooling over and over. Whether at a unicorn or a company of a few hundred people, organizations will staff an internal team to do piecemeal automations of their experimentation workflows. Inevitably, this in-house tool turns into a multi year engineering investment that still leaves everyone doing heavy manual operations work. Rather than invest even more resources to accomplish these steps effectively, organizations settle for broken workflows, painful analysis experiences, and experiment velocity at a snail's pace.

Help every company have an experimentation culture

At Eppo, we are creating a next gen platform that fulfills the aspirations of experimentation tools teams, and brings those capabilities to companies of every stage and industry. Today, companies can't use any of the options on the market, and they can't run experiments until they devote multiple engineers and analysts to a function that is unrelated to their core product. We want to build a world where every team can have entrepreneurial, high experiment velocity culture.

Our story

Eppo was founded in 2021 with the idea that nothing in the commercial landscape provided the power of experimentation systems like Airbnb, which meant building the same system over and over.

We built Eppo to leverage the modern data stack and the latest in causal inference literature, allowing companies to tie product team efforts to business metrics like revenue, with boosted statistical power.
Of all products in the modern data stack, experimentation has one of the clearest relationships to revenue ROI because it injects C-suite-level metrics into every decision a product team makes.

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Hear from
our investors

Naomi Ionita
Menlo Ventures
“Eppo powers fast, reliable, and informative experiments. The platform can be used on its own end-to-end, or paired with existing feature flagging tools such as Optimizely, LaunchDarkly, or in-house solutions. It integrates directly with data warehouses (Snowflake, Amazon Redshift) so that experiments use the same high quality data as BI tools like Tableau and Looker.

Rather than measuring basic click-throughs, Eppo leverages core business metrics such as revenue, margin, and subscriptions, allowing companies to align product/growth teams with the same metrics that the C-suite cares about – an even more urgent need in an economic downturn.”

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